한국정반 (472) 썸네일형 리스트형 일반공차에 관하여 . 보통공차 보통공차(일반공차, general tolerance)는 특별한 정밀도를 요구하지 않는 부분에 일일이 공차를 기입하지 않고 일괄하여 기입할 목적으로 규정되었다. 편차가 없는 완벽한 치수로 부품을 가공할 수는 없다. 따라서 도면에 기입되는 모든 치수에 공차가 허용되어야 한다. 그러나 대부분의 치수는.. 경도시험기 로크웰, 브리넬, 비커스, 쇼어 경도 환산표 경도시험기 로크웰, 브리넬, 비커스, 쇼어 경도 환산표 비커스 경도 Hv 브리넬 경도 HB 로크웰 경도 쇼어 경도 Hs 표준 볼 텅스텐 카바이트볼 HRA A스케일 하중 60㎏f Barle 압자 HRB B스케일 하중 100㎏f 1/16"볼 로크웰C스케일 H R C (하중150㎏f) 940 - - 85.6 - 68 97 900 - - 85.0 - 67 95 865 - - 84.5 - 66 92 832 - 739 83.9 - 65 91 800 .. 표면거칠기 [조 도] 1)RA : 중심선평균조도(中心線 平均粗度; arithmetical average roughness, centerline average roughness):중심선에서 단면곡선까지의 평균 높이로서 Ra, CLA, AA의 기호로 표시한다 2)R MAX : 최대높이조도(最大높이粗度; maximum height roughness) 채취 부분의 기준길이(cut-off) 내의 조도곡선에서 중심선에 평행하고 그 곡선.. Scientists build world's first single-molecule car Rice University Scientists have done it. After BMW announced the possibility of producing a car that would utilize nanotechnology practically for all functions, Rice University scientists developed the world’s first single-molecule car- the car that was driven on a gold microscopic highway. It a small coupe that is devoid of any plush seating or conventional steering system. But it is a real .. 'Buckypaper': stronger than steel, harder than diamonds Working with a material 10 times lighter than steel - but 250 times stronger - would be a dream come true for any engineer. If this material also had amazing properties that made it highly conductive of heat and electricity, it would start to sound like something out of a science fiction novel. Yet one Florida State University research group, the Florida Advanced Center for Composite Technologie.. Sunny Future for Nanocrystal Solar Cells Imagine a future in which the rooftops of residential homes and commercial buildings can be laminated with inexpensive, ultra-thin films of nano-sized semiconductors that will efficiently convert sunlight into electrical power and provide virtually all of our electricity needs. This future is a step closer to being realized, thanks to a scientific milestone achieved at the U.S. Department of En.. Magnetic nanoparticles assembled into long chains Chains of 1 million magnetic nanoparticles have been assembled and disassembled in a solution of suspended particles in a controlled way, scientists at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) report. Such particles and structures, once their properties are more fully understood and can be manipulated reliably, may be useful in applications such as medical imaging and informati.. New Diamond Nanotube Composite Material Created Argonne researchers have combined the world's hardest known material – diamond – with the world's strongest structural form – carbon nanotubes. A new process for "growing” diamond and carbon nanotubes together opens the way for its use in a number of energy-related applications. Image above: Argonne's carbon-nanotube research was featured on the June 2005 cover o.. Proofreading and error-correction in nanomaterials inspired by nature Mimicking nature, a procedure developed by researchers at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign can find and correct defects in self-assembled nanomaterials. The new proofreading and error-removal process is based on catalytic DNA and represents a paradigm shift in nanoscale science and engineering. Despite much progress made in the self-assembly of nanomaterials, defects that occur du.. Nanoparticle created as diagnostic, therapeutic agent; brain tumors targeted Researchers working with a man-made, metal-filled nanoparticle are developing the material for use as a diagnostic and therapeutic agent that may boost the sensitivity of MRI techniques and improve the diagnosis and treatment of brain tumors. Panos Fatouros, Ph.D., a professor in the Department of Radiology at Virginia Commonwealth University, has been awarded a five-year, $3.7 million grant fro.. Nano World: Technique peers under surfaces Scientists can now spot microscopic defects hidden inside any material and parasites within cells using a new imaging method that can peer through surfaces to see buried objects nanometers in size, experts told UPI's Nano World. The most powerful microscopy techniques currently available mostly are sensitive only to surface features or to details located right below the surface. Peering any deep.. Waferless Recipe Generation For Overlay Metrology Tools Announced Bend, OR - Accent Optical Technologies announced the availability of SynRG (Synthetic Recipe Generator), a new "waferless" recipe creation application for its Caliper elan and Q240AT overlay metrology instruments. SynRG takes known design details about device layout, and processes them to create a metrology recipe automatically optimized for the product and process. By using advanced image simu.. 이전 1 ··· 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 ··· 40 다음